Wednesday 8 October 2008

Magazine Breif

Why have you chosen this brief?
I have chosen this target audience (sixth form) because I am a sixth former myself and I believe that I would generally have the same interests or near enough the same interests as people in my own age group. I know what interests them and what doesn’t interest them as opposed to the other years at school.

Briefly identify the core audience profile you are planning to target.
The core audience profile I am planning to target are of course, the sixth formers as I have already pointed out in the previous question, although I am targeting both genders so I will have to make sure the colour scheme, stories, quizzes, etc apply to both boys and girls. I will not be targeting any certain “stereotype” I will cater for all.

What is your working title for the magazine?
The working title of my magazine is in fact “Lessonz!” I have chosen this because I believe that it applies to the school highly yet I have added a “z” this is because it shows that the magazine is aimed at a younger person rather than a teacher. There is also an exclamation mark on the end of the title because it emphasizes it more and also seems as though it is shouting out to you.

Describe the general idea behind your magazine (The mission statement)
My magazine is going to not only help sixth formers achieve their goals in their A levels it is also going to keep them updated with the gossip of the school, it will also enable sixth formers to send their problems into the problem page and get advice on certain issues that they want to discuss. It will not only outline inside school issues, it will also have certain aspects of out of school issues involved within the magazine too. My overall aim would be to help the students with everything they want to talk about, and also include some fun.

Describe the lifestyle this magazine will promote (think brand values)
This magazine will promote certain revision guides etc that the average sixth former needs to get through school. It will also have entertainment promotions as well such as what’s on at the cinema, what new albums are out etc.

How are you planning to style the cover?
I am planning to make the cover quite colourful but colours for both sexes, so it will not be in bright pink or dark blue, it will have elements of both and the background will be a bold dark colour, but it will be a colour everyone would go for. It will have a big picture on the front and a few others around it. There will be text spread out over it but not too much as I do not want to make it look messy and crowded.

Describe your cover shot, including who your actor will be.
My cover shot will be of my friend who is in the year below yet posing as a sixth former. It will be a mid-shot and I am thinking of taking it of her as though it’s totally natural and had no idea the photo is being taken. It will be set in school yet I am not too sure on where the shot will be taken.

Identify examples of magazine content.
There will be roughly 10 pages in my magazine, a few of these pages will include:
“The problem Page” E.G “Dear… I am writing about an essay that is due to be in next week, I have no idea what to do…!” reply “Dear reader, I have just received your letter and I realise you have a problem on your hands, so I’ll give you a few tips on how to solve this problem”. Yet, the problem could also be over something more personal such as boyfriend/girlfriend trouble, they can also remain anonymous.
There will be pages that will include interviews with teachers, quizzes, a “Guess who?” page, where you have one part of someone around the school and you have to guess who it is, and so on.

Identify examples of language (words and phrases) you will use on the cover.
I will basically use English language although in certain things I will use “slang” shortened words that only people in our age group can understand, used mainly on programmes like IM, MSN messenger and used in texting widely, such as “OMG”, “LOL”, “IDK” etc.

How does it offer an alternative to magazines currently on the market for this audience?
I believe my magazine will be totally different to anything that’s on the market for this audience right now. It will include not only school issues, it will include every day issues, so it will be a mixture of both which you rarely ever see. It will enable us all to learn, but learn and have fun, be able to laugh at something while your working, and for revising to not seem such a drag. It will be exciting and be for everyone in the two sixth form years, something that everyone can get involved with and enjoy.

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